I want to lis­ten to the ques­tions that mind sets in the most lucid way
To dis­cern a sub­ject who con­trols its routes
Who is keyed up for the plan of such routes
Who lays traps inside the couliss­es of its questions
Face to such psy­cholo­gies is being a series of images
Or, at least this way the man in charge of assem­bling then claims
While the spool unwind, while the cart runs faster than the carter
And we heard of the dis­ap­point­ment of grand narratives
So on, we have learn that words can not replace numbers
There, too, a par­ty has been tak­en place com­ing from past
Where­as the cipher analo­gies, the alike dis­tances, the dis­tances in general
              (Αre we sure that 1 is far off from 2 as much as 2 from 3 ?)
What have they taught us about this flow that we con­sid­er as flow
Once again, beside this, we don’t know where ideas are set­tled while we saw the mas­sive graves
What does human­ism mean ? And what is nature’s opin­ion for this term
For all these depress­ing idio­syn­crasies noth­ing else left but some ants
And for all these ants lots have been writ­ten, that means have been point to
Who knows what things appear while they are blend­ed in this field
And, of course, there is evolution
Nev­er­the­less, not of  the suc­cess­ful respond­ing to the appli­ca­tion but of its wording
Nev­er­the­less, unfor­tu­nate­ly it stands this:
Evo­lu­tion does exist
Not only of the word­ing  but of the very appli­ca­tion indeed.
