Hélène Cardona

Hélène Cardona is a poet, actor, literary translator and dream analyst. She attended Hamilton College, New York, where she also taught French and Spanish, and the Sorbonne, where she wrote her thesis on Henry James for her Master's in English & American Literature.

She is the author of the bilingual poetry collections Life in Suspension / La Vie Suspendue (Salmon Poetry, 2016), Dreaming My Animal Selves / Le Songe de mes Âmes animales (Salmon Poetry, 2013), winner of the Pinnacle Book Award and the 2014 Readers' Favorite Award in Poetry, finalist for the International Book Awards in Poetry and the Julie Suk Award; Ce que nous portons (Éditions du Cygne, 2014) her translation of What We Carry by Dorianne Laux; Beyond Elsewhere (White Pine Press, 2016) her translation of Plus loin qu’ailleurs by Gabriel Arnou-Laujeac; and The Astonished Universe (Red Hen Press, 2006).

She also translated Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Renard, Crickillon, René Depestre, Ernest Pépin, and her father José Manuel Cardona into English.

She taught at Loyola Marymount University, received fellowships from the Goethe-Institut & Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, and is a multiple-time Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee.

She co-edits Fulcrum: An Anthology of Poetry and Aesthetics, Dublin Poetry Review and Levure Littéraire, and is a contributor to The London Magazine.

Publications include Washington Square, World Literature Today, Poetry International, The Irish Literary Times, Plume, The Dublin Review of Books, Periódico de Poesía, The Warwick Review, The Toronto Quarterly, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Enchanting Verses Literary Review, The Los Angeles Review, and more.

Anthologies include Dead and Undead Poems: Zombies, Ghosts, Vampires and Devils (Random House, 2015); Read Women: An Anthology (Locked Horn Press, 2014); Near Kin: Words and Art Inspired by Octavia E. Butler (Sybaritic Press, 2014); Love's Peripeteias (The New Visionary Press Cooperative, 2014); For Rhino in a Shrinking World (Poets Printery, 2013),  From the Four Chambered Heart: In tribute to Anais Nin (Sybaritic Press, 2013); The Blue Max Review (Rebel Poetry, 2012); Dogs Singing: A Tribute Anthology (Salmon Poetry, 2011); Illuminations: Expressions of the Spiritual Experience (Celestial Arts, 2006).

Acting credits include Chocolat, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Jurassic World, The Hundred-Foot Journey, X-Men Days of Future Past, Muppets Most Wanted, Happy Feet 2, The Muppets, and more. For Serendipity she co-wrote with director Peter Chelsom and composer Alan Silvestri the song Lucienne, which she also sang.

Born in Paris and raised all over Europe, she has lived in Switzerland, France, England, Wales, Monaco, Germany, Spain and the United States.




Hélène Cardona est l’auteur des recueils bilingues de poésie Life in Suspension /La Vie Suspendue (Salmon Poetry, 2016) Le Songe de mes Âmes Animales (Salmon Poetry, 2013), Pinnacle Book Award, 2014 Readers’ Favorite Award in Poetry, finaliste pour le International Book Awards in Poetry et le Julie Suk Award ; et L’Univers Stupéfait (Red Hen Press, 2006).

Ce que nous portons, sa traduction de What We Carry de Dorianne Laux, vient de paraître aux Éditions du Cygne, et Beyond Elsewhere, sa traduction de Plus loin qu’ailleurs de Gabriel Arnou-Laujeac, paraîtra chez Whine Pine Press en 2016.

Diplômée d’une Maîtrise de littérature américaine de la Sorbonne, elle a enseigné à Hamilton College, New York, et à Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. Elle a reçu des bourses du Goethe-Institut & de la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, et a été nominée plusieurs fois pour le Pushcart Prize et le Best of the Net.

Elle est co-rédactrice de Fulcrum: An Anthology of Poetry and Aesthetics, Dublin Poetry Review et Levure Littéraire, et collabore au The London Magazine.

Elle a traduit la poésie de Jean-Claude Renard, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Crickillon, René Depestre, Ernest Pépin, et de son père José Manuel Cardona en anglais.

Elle est aussi actrice (Chocolat, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, Jurassic World, The Hundred-Foot Journey, X-Men Days of Future Past, Muppets Most Wanted, Happy Feet 2, The Muppets, etc). Pour Serendipity elle a co-écrit (avec le metteur en scène Peter Chelsom et le compositeur Alan Silvestri) la chanson Lucienne, qu’elle chante aussi.

Née à Paris, elle a grandi à travers toute l’Europe et a vécu en Suisse, France, Angleterre, au Pays de Galles, Monaco, Allemagne, Espagne, et les États-Unis.



