

My dear friends, esteemed poets and authors, all those involved in "The International Festival of Peace Poetry", who are eager to pursue their purpose after this long interval, you are welcomed to join us by sending your poems and articles.

Some of the subjects that can be discussed in these articles:

* The role of peace and democracy in economy especially in comparison to countries, whose economy relies upon the production of war weaponry.

* The influence of literature and art in the extension of anti-violence culture.

* The influence of civil liberties in the improvement of women's state.

* Reasons for the emergence of violence in closed societies and their influence on urban and rural cultures.

*  Regulations or cultural and behavioral irregularities, men's violence towards women and vice versa with consideration of feministic theories.

* Concealed sexual abuse in marital relationships.

* One-sided love and violence as its result.

*  Circumstances and approaches for teaching peace to children and teenagers especially in countries living under dictatorships.

*  Recognition of civil and uncivil behavior towards sexual minorities (such as homosexuals, hermaphrodites, and etc.) and approaches for developing a peaceful and humanistic behavior towards them.

* The analytical study of the behavior of men today towards nature and environment.

* The role of media and its influence in increasing or threatening purposeful behavioral violence (concealed or exposed).

* Debilitating or empowering peace or any subject, which effects the commandment or debilitation of peace and civil liberties.

We ask you to invite your friends from any ethnicity, nationality, and language to join us.

Send your poems and articles regarding peace in order to be published in this site, along with your photo and biography (two lines) to the following address.

It should be mentioned that in the near future the official call and conditions for the third round of "The International Festival Peace Poetry" will be announced to the supporters of peace around the world through the press and the website. Deadline: May 10, 2013

It should also be mentioned that this is a trial display of this website, which will be launched on May 16, 2013 after collecting your poems and articles, and updated every two months in both Persian and English.

"The International Festival of Peace Poetry" Secretariat

March 21, 2013



