Ljubomir Gruevski

Poeta, ensayista, crítico de cine y teatro, dramaturgo, traductor, antóloga  y edita -

Ljubomir Gruevski, nació en Julio de 1949 en la ciudad de Ghevghelia (República de Macedonia). Se graduó de la escuela elemental en la ciudad de Bitola, realizo estudios secundarios de bachiller en la ciudad de Shtip, se graduó en la Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Belgrado, se Licencia en la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de San Cirilo y Metodius en Skopie ,presentando sus tesis de licenciatura en 1971.

Desde 1988 es miembro de la Sociedad de Escritores de Macedonia.

De 1974 a 1977 fue director del Antiguo Museo de la Ciudad de Heraclea Lincestis, desde 1977 es director del Teatro Nacional de Bitola.En 1983 fundó y publicó la primera revista especializada en literatura moderna en R. Macedonia, ZA en calidad de Editor Jefe. Fundada en 1985 en Bitola, la Casa EditorialMisirkov es nombrado como Director. En 1986 es nombrado como Director Jefe de la Casa EditorialArteros.

En 2006 inaugura el Festival Internacional de Poesía Heraclea (Bitola), que anualmente se lleva a cabo en el anfiteatro Romano de Heraclea. Desde 2010 con ocasión del mismo Festival, edita y publica la revista: "POESIA y algo más…"

Su poesía ha sido galardonada con importantes premios como; Premio Goce´s(1998); Premio del Festival Literario Ratkovici  (Montenegro , 1998) ; Premio Festival de Primavera de Linden (Skopje, 2004 y 2006); Premio Internacional de Poesía en Melnik (Bulgaria, 2006) Nomination paraPremio de Eropa de poesía (Romania,2013)Premio Ciudad de Bitola (2006), etc.

Participa en Festivales Literarios Nacionales e Internacionales: Días de Goce Delchev, Festival de Primavera de Linden ; Festival Tardes de Poesía,  Struga; Festival de Literatura Rathovic; Festival Internacional de Poesía de Melnik; Festival International Noches de poesía - Curtea de Arges, etc.

Su obra esta presente en la Antología Siglo XX de Poesía de Macedonia; en la Enciclopedia Británica y otras Antologías y diccionarios del país y de del extranjero.

Selección de su poesía aparece en otros idiomas: Inglés, Еspañol Castellano, Ruso, Croata, Búlgaro, Romano, Polaco, Serbio, Ucraniano, Esloveno etc.


Ships/Embarcaciones (Lírica) Publicado por  Casa Editorial  Razvitok – Bitola, 1980.

Besieged City/Ciudad Sitiada. Editorial GJURGJA, Ohrid, 1991.

Fiery Country/Ciudad Ardiente (Lírica) Publicado por Casa editorial  Razvitok – Bitola, 1993

Songs of Loce/Canciones de Loce (Antología de poesía popular) Casa Editorial BID Misirkov – Bitola, 1992.

Symbolism.../Simbolismo... Andrei Beli (Traducido , Ruso), publicado por la Casa Arteros, Bitola, 1997.

Island and other legends/Isla y otras leyendas, publicado por la Casa Arteros, Bitola, 1999.

Book of Wisdom/Libro de la Sabiduria (Léxico de aforismos y pensamientos sabios), publicado por la Casa Arteros, Bitola, 2001.

Magna Charta/Magna Charta (Lírica y CD), publicado por la Casa Arteros, Bitola, 2003.

Theater, Film and Verse /Teatro, Cine y Verso (Ensayo) publicado por la Casa Arteros, Bitola, 2005.

Images and Shadows/ Imágenes y Sombras (Selección lírica) Asociación para la Creación, Bitola, 2008.

Museum below Pelister/Museo bajo Pelister (Lírica) Centro de Iniciativas Cultural, Shtip, 2011.

Theater perceptions/Percepciones Teatrales (Crítica Teatral) Casa Editorial HPS, Bitola, 2012.

The Profundis/Profundidad (Selección Lírica en Inglés y Rumano) Casa Editorial de la Academia Internacional Oriente- Occidente, Bucarest, 2013.

Imágenes y Sombras, publicado por AVECA, Cajar ,Espanol 2014





Ljubomir Gruevski  - poet, essayist, theater/film critic, playwright, translator, editor; was born on the 17th of January 1949 in the city of Gevgelia (Republic of Macedonia). He finished elementary school in the city of Bitola, high school in the town of Stip, studied literature at the Philological Faculty in Belgrade, Republic of Serbia and in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, where he graduated, at the Faculty of Philosophy, University Saints Cyril and Methodius.

From 1974 to 1977 he was director of the Museum and Ancient Site Heraclea Lyncestis, and then from 1977 he was the director of the National Theatre in Bitola. In 1983 he initiated the first number of the young literary magazines in R. Macedonia, ZA (PRO) being the first editor-in-chief. He was appointed director of the Misirkov Publishing House (the first publishing house outside the Macedonian capital, Skopje) founded in 1985 in Bitola.

            Since 1986 he was editor-in-chief of the renown magazine for literature and culture Razvitok in R Macedonia (Bitola). In 1995 he founded  the Publishing House Arteros and lead it as a director and editor-in-chief.

In 2006 he founded the International Festival Heraclea Poetry Festivities (Bitola), held annually in the Roman amphitheater Heraclea Lyncestis. Since 2010, with the occasion of the same festival, he published and edited the literary magazine POETRY etc. (a multilingual poetry magazine where the poems are published in their original language and also translated in English and Macedonian).

In 2007, the theater group Krik (CRY) enacts the play he wrote and directed A Macedonian story (about the life and work of Krste Petkov Misirkov) which participated at the state's festival for small and non-professional theaters at the town of Kocani.

His poetry has been awarded with important literary prizes, including: Goce Delcev Award (Republic of Macedonia, 1998); Ratkovici Literary Festival Award (Montenegro, 1987); First and second prize at the Festival of the Linden ( 2004 and 2006, Skopje, R.Macedonia); International Poetry Festival Award in Melnik (Bulgaria, 2006); Prize of the City of Bitola - November 4th (2006) and nomination for the European prize for poetry at the International Festival de Kurtea Argesh,2013 (Romania) etc.

He participated in several national and international literary festivals, congresses and other literary gatherings: Days of Goce Delcev, Festival of the Linden, Racin Gatherings; Struga Poetry Evenings, Ratkovich Poetry Evenings Festival, International Festival of Poetry Melnik  and Sofia  (Republic of Bulgaria), International festival Curtea de Arges, (Romania), Kiev (Ukraine) Belgrad (Republic Serbia) etc.

He is present in most of the anthologies of the Macedonian poetry, such as the Macedonian Poetry Anthology the twentieth century; in the Encyclopedia Britannica and in other writers anthologies and dictionaries from the Republic of Macedonia and abroad.

Some of his poetry works have been published in English, Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Frеnch, Slovenian, Bulgarian,Croatian, Polish and Serbian language.

Since 1989 he is a member of the Society of Writers of  Macedonia.  

Lives and works in Bitola; e-mail: ljubomir.gruevski@yahoo.com; hps_bitola_rm@yahoo.com 




 Ships (poetry) Razvitok Publishing, Bitola, 1980; Besieged City, Publishing House Ghiurghea, Ohrid, 1991, Tierra del Fuego (poetry) Razvitok Publishing House, Bitola, 1993; Songs of Love (anthology of folk poetry) Publishing House BID Misirkov, Bitola, 1992; Symbolism... by Andrey Bely (translation from Russian), Publishing House Arteros, Bitola, 1997; Island and other songs (poetry), Publishing House Arteros, Bitola, 1999, Book of Wisdom (anthology of wise sayings), Publishing House Arteros, Bitola, 2001, Magna Charta (poetry on a CD read by the author himself(You Tube), Publishing House Arteros, Bitola, 2003; Film, theater, verse (essays), Publishing House Arteros, Bitola, 2005; Images and Shadows (selection of poetry), Aries Media, Skopje, 2008; Museum in Pelister (poetry) Center for Cultural Initiative, Stip, 2011; Theater Introspection (theater critics), Publishing House HPS, Bitola, 2012, De Profundis (selection of poetry in English and Romanian), Publishing House of International Academy Orient-Occident, Bucharest, 2013; Imagenes y Sombras (poetry selection in Spanish), AVECA 2014, and To Erusalem (poetry), publisher- Aries Media,Skopje 2014.