


“Ladies and gentlemen velcommen; quiet please; as you can see, that is, as you can’t see, we know not whether our compliant cat is dead or not. Right now, I would ask a member of the revered audience to concede to paying to the order of a reversed proof, a proof anti-poetically literal (and not, one hopes, literally anti-poetical):

What about you, my pretty, lovely, come closer, ready?
ala uno ala due ala tre

(a cat is revealed comprised of innumerable phosphorescent d o t s)

Voila! The feline in love’s place!
to focus on it is to impart to it a form (mandatory)

if not it passes to your left and right → right through you:
is your preference to be enchanted into absence or to observe?

What are you waiting for?

Love, ooh, love is delivered along this experiment’s interpretation before a mirror
while the observing eye is observed – no small thing by any stretch

if you are courting knowledge that already possess
you put before the will’s upper cut to volition

Who, though, can occupy a viewing platform from the inside,
and see, say, the inverted image: no one

since, in order for something to hold meaning, some other thing must hold none whatsoever, a state regarding which, cherie, we lack all certainty

Unless the cat’s both dead and living!” 


The poems möbius, 0→1, ♪, O2 belong to poetry collection Bella Boom (Publibook 2011) and have also been published in Hellenica: Novelty Within or Beyond Language: Anthology of Young Greek Poets, (Athens: Gavriilidis, 2009)