Neon Insomnia/Neonska nesanica


All that was necessary
Was but a moment
Between two blinks
Of a neon ad
Beneath our window
So you could pronounce
What both of us
Had known for long:
This land
Will never again
Be ours.
All it had ever
Given us
Were two
Damn possibilities
To shoot ourselves
In the head
With water pistols
To go ASAP
And leave it
While it’s still dreaming
Of a better future
Which will surely come.
Those were the words
I’d been expecting to hear from you
All those years
I held you tight
Because I didn’t know
What else to do
At night
While blood was gushing out in the ring
In Italy
Bogdan Mitic
(But not our son
Bogdan Mitic)
With a shameful decision
A match that was already won.



Neonska nesanica


Bio je potreban
samo trenutak
između dva treptaja
neonske reklame
pod našim prozorom
pa da izgovoriš
ono što smo
oboje već odavno znali

da ova zemlja
više nikada
neće biti naša.

Sve što nam je
ikad pružila
bile su
samo dve mogućnosti

da pucamo sebi
u glavu
pištoljem na vodu

odemo što pre

i ostavimo je
dok je još u snu
o sjajnoj budućnosti
koja će uskoro doći.

Bile su to reči
koje sam čekao da izgovoriš
svih ovih godina
zagrlio sam te snažno
jer nisam znao
šta bih drugo

u noći
kad je sa TV-a
krv pljuštala po ringu

u Italiji je
Bogdan Mitić
(ali ne naš sin
Bogdan Mitić)
odlukom sudija
dobijeni meč.