Niels Hav

Niels Hav is a full time poet and short story writer living in Copenhagen with awards from The Danish Arts Council. In English he has We Are Here, published by Book Thug, and poetry and fiction in numerous magazines including The Literary Review, Ecotone, Exile, The Los Angeles Review and PRISM International. In his native Danish the author of six collections of poetry and three books of short fiction. His work has been translated into several languages such as Arabic, Turkish, Spanish and Chinese. He has travelled widely in Europe, Asia, North- and South America. 

Niels Hav est un poète à plein temps et un nouvelliste vivant à Copenhague. En anglais il a publié Nous Sommes Ici, ed Le livre voyou. Il a publié poésie et fiction dans de nombreux magazines dont The Literary Review, Ecotone, Exile, The Los Angeles Review and PRISM International. Dans son Danemark natal il est l'auteur de six recueils de poésie et trois livres de fiction courte. Son travail a été traduit dans plusieurs langues comme l'arabe, turc, espagnol et chinois. Il a voyagé en Europe, Asie, Amérique du Sud et du Nord.