Marcus Smith


Mar­cus Smith is a Cin­na­mon Press Book Awards final­ist and Plough Prize and Poet­ry on the Lake Prize win­ner. His work has appeared in the UK and Europe in The Rial­to, Ambit, PN Review, Acu­men, Stand, The French Review and Poet­ry Salzburg; in the US Prairie Schooner, South Car­oli­na Review, Able Muse, The Clas­si­cal Out­look and Salma­gun­di have pub­lished his work. The excerpt here from the man­u­script SEZ/everything speaks (Live Canon, Lon­don, 2014)… A Sequence of Texts finds kin­ship in Georges Perec’s An Attempt At Exhaust­ing A Place In Paris and fla­neurs from Baude­laire and John Foxx. 


Marcus Smith

Poèmes choi­sis

Autres lec­tures

The French Literary Review

Le numéro 18 de la revue bri­tan­nique (cepen­dant basée en France) The French Lit­er­ary Review nous parvient avec comme thème « Writ­ing with a french con­nec­tion ». La revue est dirigée par Bar­bara Dor­di, elle-même […]

Marcus Smith : New-York à gogo (extraits)

  Sky­scraper,   You are the giant size of a bill­board And big­ger than the Giants’ score­board. You are fun­house angles paint­ed on A monument’s cam­paign facade Or real as a funhouse […]


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