A fold­ed morn­ing slips in under the door. The head­lines erupt. Acci­dents of lines. Dark alpha­bets of hor­ror. Blast­ing prints. You can even hear screams in between lines or bear the edit­ed gush of riotous words. The becomes a news­pa­per page with mishaps, cor­rupt­ing voice, bold car­i­ca­tures of dis­tin­guished men, vio­lence and defeat.

Dates pile up in kilos and under the tip you’re your
nose the world at strife
moves on and on.

Twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry of insti­tu­tions and per­vert­ed moti­va­tions. Mas­quer­ades of metrop­o­lis lead­ing an aim­less march. A voice­less cry. You fold your times only to take a breath and move about with an absurd deter­mined air in an uncer­tain age.
