Andrei Dósa(1985) was born in Braşov, Roma­nia. He pub­lished four col­lec­tions of poems: Cînd va veni ceea ce este desăvîrşit(When com­plete­ness Comes, 2011); Amer­i­can Expe­ri­ence (2013); Nada(2015) and Adevărat­ul băi­at de aur(The real gold­en boy, 2017). Recent­ly he pub­lished his first nov­el, Ier­bar, at the pub­lish­ing house Polirom. Cur­rent­ly he is an edi­tor of the lit­er­ary mag­a­zine Poe­sis Inter­na­tion­al. He also works as trans­la­tor of Hun­gar­i­an lit­er­a­ture into Roman­ian, most­ly trans­lat­ing con­tem­po­rary poets, includ­ing Györ­gy Petri, István Kemény, and Szilárd Bor­bé­ly, but also nov­els by Dezső Kosz­tolányi and Mag­da Szabó.

Poèmes choi­sis

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