Adrian Grafe, STOLEN TIME



She stole my car she stole my mind
She drove me mad she drove me blind
She took my love she took my youth
Now what use is this stolen time

She even tried to steal my death
All out of breath I lost my way
She took my seed she shook my soul
All the hours we shared she stole

The life she led the good she spoilt
She led a stolen life of crime
She broke my health I licked her sores
I paid the cost she paid me back

She opened doors but opened wounds
She cal­cu­lat­ed all the time
She won my trust then wrote me off
Loss was the only thing I found

You held me back you tied me down
I loved you but I won’t steal you back
You rode the storm you barred the rhyme
You stole my stars you stole my time

Présentation de l’auteur

Adrian Grafe

Adri­an Grafe est né en Angleterre, où il a gran­di. Diplôme d’Oxford. Auteur de mono­gra­phies de Hop­kins et d’Emily Dick­in­son et directeur ou co-directeur de plusieurs ouvrages con­sacrés à la poésie anglaise mod­erne. A pub­lié quelques poèmes dans des revues et a dirigé le dossier Hop­kins de NUNC (juin 2012). Col­la­bore à la chronique des livres des Etvdes pour la lit­téra­ture anglaise et co-dirige, avec Emi­ly Tay­lor Mer­ri­man, la chronique des livres du Hop­kins Quar­ter­ly (Philadel­phie). Il enseigne la poésie et la lit­téra­ture anglo­phone, ain­si que la tra­duc­tion, à l’université d’Artois. Il vit à Paris.


Adri­an Grafe was born and raised in Oxford­shire and stud­ied at Oxford Uni­ver­si­ty. He is the author of mono­graphs of Hop­kins and Emi­ly Dick­in­son, and has edit­ed or co-edit­ed sev­er­al vol­umes of essays on mod­ern British poet­ry. He has pub­lished poems in small mag­a­zines and edit­ed the Hop­kins dossier of NUNC (June 2012). He is a con­trib­u­tor on Eng­lish lit­er­a­ture to the Book Reviews sec­tion of the Etvdes and co-edits with Emi­ly Tay­lor Mer­ri­man the Book Reviews sec­tion of the Hop­kins Quar­ter­ly (Philadel­phia). He was named a Fel­low of the Eng­lish Asso­ci­a­tion (GB) in 2011 and appoint­ed a mem­ber of Pacif­ic Coast Philol­o­gy’s con­sul­ta­tive com­mit­tee in 2012. He teach­es Eng­lish-lan­guage poet­ry and lit­er­a­ture, and trans­la­tion, at Uni­ver­sité d’Artois and lives in Paris.


Adrian Grafe


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