Aaron Shurin, SMOKE

Par |2018-01-03T02:26:33+01:00 26 juillet 2013|Catégories : Aaron Shurin, Poèmes|


What did I say, what did it mean, rib­bons of ink — luxe spawn­ing — how did it work, did it work, what did he think — shield me — what did I want, what do I want, flicked it off — flux you — cra­dled his head in the ebb of a smooth piano run — what was the mood — sleep — an inver­sion of talk — grind­ing away at the air — cham­bered glances or no glances stalled in the half-light — who did it favor, who did it shat­ter — walled up in his hood­ie and jeans — the skimpy blan­kets, the skimpy tis­sue of night, wak­ing and wak­ing, how many times in the no-light, the one more night, the one night… 

Présentation de l’auteur

Aaron Shurin

« Poet and essay­ist Aaron Shurin was born in Man­hat­tan and grew up there, in east­ern Texas, and in Los Ange­les. He earned a BA at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley, where he stud­ied with poet Denise Lev­er­tov, and an MA in poet­ics at the New Col­lege of Cal­i­for­nia. Influ­enced by Robert Dun­can and Frank O’Hara, Shurin com­pos­es lyric poems that explore themes of sex­u­al­i­ty and loss… »  Read more

Biog­ra­phy source: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/bio/aaron-shurin

Aaron Shurin

© Pho­to Maris­sa Bell Tof­foli 2013

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