How Some Hindus Find Their Personal Gods


(for AS who won­ders about ish­ta devtas)


It’s about learn­ing to trust
the tug
that draws you to a shad­owed alcove
in your life, undisturbed
by footfall
and but­ter lamps

a blue dark coolness
where you find him
wait­ing patiently
that per­fect minor deity -

shy, crumbly,
oven-fresh, just a little
wry, con­tent to play a cameo
in everyone’s life but your own.

A god who looks
like he could understand
errors in translation
bliz­zards on the screen
laps­es in memory

who might even learn by rote
the fury
the wheeze
the Pali,
the pidgin,
the gnash­ing mixer-grinder
the awk­ward Rem­ing­ton stutter
of your heart,
who could make them his own.

After that you can set­tle for none other.
