Jan Owen is a South Aus­tralian poet whose most recent book is Poems 1980 – 2008. She has worked as a librar­i­an and teacher and has had res­i­den­cies in Venice, Rome, Paris and Malaysia. Awards for her work include the Mary Gilmore Prize, the Wes­ley Michel Wright Prize and the Gwen Har­wood Poet­ry Prize. In 2009 she was a Fel­low at Hawthorn­den Cas­tle, Scot­land, and par­tic­i­pat­ed in the Fes­ti­val Inter­na­tion­al de la Poésie at Trois Riv­ières, Que­bec. In 2010 she was a guest at the Maas­tricht Inter­na­tion­al Poet­ry Nights where a selec­tion of her poems in Dutch, De Kus, was pub­lished by Azul Press.

A New and Select­ed The Off­hand Angel will be pub­lished in the U.K. in 2014, and a selec­tion of Baude­laire trans­la­tions is forth­com­ing with Arc Publications. 
