Melis­sa Stud­dard is the author of My Yehi­dah, The Tifer­et Talk Inter­views, and the best­selling nov­el, Six Weeks to Yehi­dah (All Things That Mat­ter Press)Since its August 2011 release, Six Weeks to Yehi­dah has been the recip­i­ent of many acco­lades, includ­ing the For­ward Nation­al Lit­er­a­ture Award,  the Pin­na­cle Book Achieve­ment Award, the Inter­na­tion­al Book Award, and Jan­u­ary Mag­a­zine’s best chil­dren’s books of 2011. It was also named a final­ist for the Nation­al Indie Excel­lence Awards and the Read­ers Favorite Awards. Melis­sa’s poet­ry col­lec­tion, I Ate the Cos­mos for Break­fast, is forth­com­ing from Saint Julian Press in 2013. Her short writ­ings have appeared in dozens of jour­nals and antholo­gies, includ­ing Boule­vard, Con­necti­cut Review, Poets & Writ­ers, and Ishaan Quar­ter­ly. She cur­rent­ly serves as a review­er-at-large for The Nation­al Poet­ry Review, a pro­fes­sor for Lone Star Col­lege Sys­tem, a teach­ing artist for The Roost­er Moans Poet­ry Coop­er­a­tive, an edi­to­r­i­al advis­er for The Cri­te­ri­on, an edi­tor for Tifer­et Jour­nal, and host of Tifer­et Talk radio, an inter­view pro­gram that high­lights how cre­ativ­i­ty can enhance our lives by fos­ter­ing peace in the indi­vid­ual and in the world. Learn more at
