Vonani Bila was born in 1972 in Shirley vil­lage, Limpopo, and stud­ied at Tivum­beni Col­lege of Edu­ca­tion. His father was an ama­teur musi­cian, his moth­er a his­to­ri­an and sto­ry-teller. A poet and musi­cian him­self, he is found­ing edi­tor of the Tim­bi­la poet­ry jour­nal, pub­lish­er of Tim­bi­la books and founder of Tim­bi­la Writ­ers’ Vil­lage, offer­ing a writer’s res­i­dence in a rur­al con­text. He holds an MA (Cre­ative Writ­ing – with dis­tinc­tion) from Rhodes Uni­ver­si­ty. He has writ­ten two children’s books in Eng­lish and eight sto­ry-books for new­ly lit­er­ate adult read­ers in Sepe­di, Xit­songa and Eng­lish, the lat­ter two being the lan­guages in which he writes poet­ry. He edit­ed New Coin poet­ry review in 2013. He has brought out a CD of music and poet­ry, as well as four vol­umes of poet­ry, name­ly; No Free Sleep­ing (with Alan Fin­lay and Don­ald Paren­zee –Bot­sot­so Pub­lish­ing, 1998), In the name of Amand­la (Tim­bi­la Poet­ry, 2004), Mag­ic­stan Fires (Tim­bi­la Poet­ry 2006) and Hand­some Jita (Uni­ver­si­ty of KwaZuku Natal Press, 2007).  He has read and per­formed his poet­ry wide­ly in South Africa and abroad, and his poems have been trans­lat­ed into Ger­man, Dutch, Finnish, Turk­ish, Swedish, Por­tuguese, French, Ara­bic and Indone­sian Bahasa. 
