Smooth cara­pace cool­ing his tongue
imbe­cil­ic farm­boy licks and turns
a white egg,
swaps it for anoth­er from the dairy fridge,

licks and turns.

In the new­ly-seed­ed veg­etable patch
a hen blackbird,
nest to build,
gob­bles up grains of soil.

Imbe­cil­ic farm­boy licks and turns.

The nar­row lane beside the barn
has wing-flick­er martins
gath­er­ing mud from wet trac­tor ruts.

In the square green meadow
round orange hens
wan­der among the legs
of brown cows, pausing
now and then
to scratch and peck,

scratch and peck.

Imbe­cil­ic farm­boy licks and turns.

From an inner room
comes mother’s screech.
Egg is quick­ly returned to tray,
fridge door bumped to a close.
