These are the cities of splen­dour and ruin
where he got crushed in a moment
by heavy his­to­ry set­tled in every cobblestone
of a seem­ing­ly unim­por­tant alley
as he was try­ing under the sun’s hell
to mem­o­rize all the fuss of many a battle
list­ed by the skilled guide
dur­ing which all the haughty wil­helms, johans and friedrichs
in the name of faith
aris­to­crat­ic honour
(and this same star was scorch­ing also then
with the same indifference
this beau­ti­ful old den)
mount­ed their gra­cious studs
and start­ed con­quer­ing about wildly
and building
(while the ring of cat­a­combs was swelling
like a hard rid­dle around that hum­ble town)
the pearl on the Elbe
with gold­en angels on the domes’ tops
who stretch their hands in the sunset
and hov­er above the city as the silent shim­mer dwindles
(or is it mere­ly drum­ming in his eyes
crushed by so much beauty?)
just as if the skies nev­er vom­it­ed here
and peo­ple and stone were not sizzling
their dust mix­ing in the same mash
as the Elbe was flowing
as lazy as the Danube
and swelling occa­sion­al­ly with anger
when nobody expected
plain­ly uncar­ing for the some city
raped rav­ing­ly first and last
in the crater of Europe
in the brave last century
in all dif­fer­ent anno dominis…

…but look at a Sax­on beau­ty passing
sway­ing her hips across the square
(which can be e.g. also the one in Belgrade)
nev­er giv­ing a damn for the gloomy proud horsemen
blind for the glo­ry of the opera
the glam­our of the academy
whistling at the saints on the facades
tram­pling care­less­ly on the ancient street
and onto this sticky afternoon
giv­ing a toss for a thou­sand years
of blood and glory
as she goes off to splash around
with her gor­geous legs in the palace fountain
when all the gory epics of universe
is com­pen­sat­ed suddenly
by a cer­tain sense.
