She stands amidst
a ruin
of fright­ened words.
For many nights after
she dreams of
the scattering.
A man screams
as he chas­es after
frag­ments of paper
white and black
wind and rain.
A train in motion
tele­scopes onto itself.
Some nights after
she finds herself
in grade two
try­ing to say
Round and round the rugged rock
the ragged ras­cal ran

She dreams next
of word-puzzles
that rise up as a box
and close around her throat.
Her father
has mislaid
his ears.
Only towards morning
does she glimpse
the fields
that lie open
to a greenness
than words.


Pub­lished in Arriv­ing Short­ly (col­lec­tion of poems) Kolkata: Writ­ers Work­shop, 2011
