Andras Gere­vich was born in Budapest, Hun­gary in 1976. His fourth book of poems in his native Hun­gar­i­an will be pub­lished in May of 2014. A book of his poet­ry in a trilin­gual Hun­gar­i­an-French-Eng­lish edi­tion, Les Con­fes­sions de Tirésias Con­fes­sion, was pub­lished in 2014 by Édi­tions Jacques Bré­mond. The French trans­la­tions were made by the poet Brigitte Gyr. Gere­vich has been a guest at a num­ber of inter­na­tion­al lit­er­ary and poet­ry fes­ti­vals, and sev­er­al artists’ res­i­den­cies, includ­ing the leg­endary Yad­do in New York and the Akademie Soli­tude in Ger­many. Besides writ­ing poet­ry Gere­vich script­ed sev­er­al prize-win­ning short artis­tic ani­ma­tion films pro­duced in the UK, and his plays were per­formed in Budapest and Lon­don. He also pub­lished essays and sto­ries, and trans­lat­ed a num­ber of Eng­lish-speak­ing poets into Hun­gar­i­an, includ­ing Sea­mus Heaney and Frank O’Hara. He was edi­tor for two lit­er­ary jour­nals: Kalligram in Budapest and Chro­ma in Lon­don, an assis­tant pro­duc­er for the radio pro­gram Poet­ry by Post for the BBC World Sevice, and was also the Pres­i­dent of the József Atti­la Kör, the Hun­gar­i­an young writ­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion. He teach­es cours­es at the Moholy-Nagy Uni­ver­si­ty of Arts, the Eötvös Lóránt Uni­ver­si­ty of Budapest, and the Budapest cam­pus of the Amer­i­can McDaniel College.


The pho­to is © Eszter Gordon

