“It isn’t for cer­tain that we can encir­cle with words the same
prin­ci­ples of reality
And what a strange thing: not just of the fact but also of that
one which runs under­cur­rent since you invent a sec­ond pole
for every thing”
Why do we ask our­selves for motives and choic­es before
this romp that turns round get­ting our kids
Let’s go on then this one way direc­tion that car­ries on the
ride of our doubts
Neu­ro­phys­i­ol­o­gy was the obsta­cle of our time, the
dis­so­lu­tion of our suc­ces­sion (the release of our succession ?)
Here they whirl –and if they stop they will appear I told you–
the organ­ic ele­ments that gal­lop while they sleep
Lumi­ni and Sombri
If I was in dread of some­thing, it was a third uniden­ti­fied version.
