As soon as he approached the house

The house stepped away:

Or it sim­ply froze as a vampire’s chest.

In his four hands he holds three horseshoes.

For an event like this one needs a lot of water and fire


Serv­ing  this real­i­ty as if they were its small props.

And truth becomes flex­i­ble there like a body of a young woman

Who whis­pers “Once more” and the world becomes renewed instantly

Like a burn­ing beach swiped by a wave and then the hot wind rises

Toward the dis­ap­peared house, it swish­es by, hurls and advances

Until it blows the door open. There is no one there,

Just face­less empti­ness which warns the body not to

Lie down next to death. He sits down


And rec­og­nizes every­thing that nev­er can­not exist:

Wet cur­tains made of chan­nels, cliffs stuffed with hot branches,

Milky and mot­tled moun­tains, thick hair of a bag.

He hears the pen­du­lum of an apple and feels the weight

Of a camel trem­bling impas­sive­ly alone in a hot desert storm:

“Calm down and stay away”- the voice of her eye says

In which gold sparkles inno­cent­ly like every burnt down saint.

“The sword of the cen­tu­ry is approaching”–no one is going to say,

but an echo replies—“We shall all be witnesses”.

He does not know what, but he believes that some­thing has to arrive.

If there is no arrival , how did he ever get back home.


Trans­lat­ed from Ser­bian by Nina Živančević
