Darija Žilić

Par | 1 novembre 2013|Catégories : Blog|

choix de poèmes

traduit du croate par Bran­ki­ca Radić



Darija Žilić

Par | 1 novembre 2013|Catégories : Blog|


Dar­i­ja Žil­ić was born in Zagreb (Croa­t­ia) in 1972. She has stud­ied com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture and his­to­ry in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zagreb.

Poet, lit­er­ary crit­ic, trans­la­tor, mod­er­a­tor, one of the edi­tors of lit­er­ary jour­nal Tema, mem­ber of Croa­t­ian writ­ers society.

Her books: Breasts and straw­ber­ries, (poet­ry) 2005., To Write in Milk: Essays on Con­tem­po­rary Poet­ry (2008), Muse out­side Ghet­to: Essays on Con­tem­po­rary Literature

( 2012.)- „Juli­je Benešić“award for the best book in crit­ic in Croa­t­ia in 2012

Nomads and hybrids: Essays on Con­tem­po­rary Lit­er­a­ture and Film ( 2010.), Par­al­lel Gar­dens: Inter­views with The­o­rists, Writ­ers and Activists (2010.), Trop­ics: Crit­ics about Con­tem­po­rary Poet­ry (2011.), Dance, Mod­esty, Dance (2010), (poet­ry)- award Kik­lop for the best poet­ry book in 2010. in Croa­t­ia, Omara. Prose, (2012.)

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