Born in Rahovec, South East of Koso­va, in 1972. grad­u­at­ed at Prishti­na Uni­ver­si­ty, Ori­en­tal Studies.
Active­ly works on Cal­lig­ra­phy dis­cov­er­ing new medi­ums and tech­niques for this spe­cif­ic for of plas­tic art.
Cer­ti­fied expert in Andragogy/ Capac­i­ty Build­ing, Train­ing deliv­ery, Coach­ing and Men­tor­ing, Facil­i­tat­ing etc.
In last ten years he oper­at­ed as Inde­pen­dent Sci­en­tif­ic Researcher in the field of World Spir­i­tu­al Her­itage and Sacral Esthetics.

Pub­lished books:
• NUN- col­lec­tion of  mys­ti­cal poems, 1996 author’s edition,
• INVISIBLE PLURALITY- Poet­i­cal prose, 2000, author’s edition
• NEKTARINA- Nov­el, Tran­scen­den­tal Epic, 2004, pub­lish­ing House, Rozafa
Prisht­inë- project of Min­istry of Cul­ture Sport and Youth of Kosova
• ELEMENTAL 99- Short poet­i­cal mys­ti­cal sto­ries, 2006, Cen­ter for pos­i­tive think­ing, Prishinë
• KUN- col­lec­tion of tran­scen­den­tal lyrics, 2007, Pub­lish­ing House LOGOS‑A, Skop­je, Macedonia
• DISMANTLE OF HATE, E‑book 2010, Ronin Press, London,
• CRYSTALINE ECHOES, Poet­ry, Hard copy and e‑book 2011, Cor­pos Edi­to­ra- Por­to, Portugal
• PLEROMA’S DEW, Poem, Hard copy and Kindle/ Ama­zon Edi­tion, 2012 Inner Child Press, New York, USA
• EMERALD MACADAM, Essays, Columns, Opin­ions, Pre­sen­ta­tions, Aca­d­e­m­ic papers on  Cul­ture, Art, Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, 2012, Pos­i­tive Ini­tia­tive, Prishti­na, Kosovo
• MULBERRIES, Nov­el, Hard copy, LOGOS-A- Skop­je, Mace­do­nia, 2012

Trans­lat­ed in Eng­lish, French, Ital­ian, Span­ish, Ser­bian, Croa­t­ian, Bosn­ian, Mace­don­ian, Roma, Swedish, Turk­ish, Ara­bic, Roman­ian, Per­sian, Mongolian
Ambas­sador of Poets to Alba­nia by Poet­as del Mun­do, San­ti­a­go de Chile Mem­ber of World Poets Association
Mem­ber of the Pub­lish­ing and Edit­ing Com­mit­tee, at the Koso­vo Min­istry for Cul­ture, Youth and Sport.
Mem­ber of World Asso­ci­a­tion of Writers
Mem­ber of the Koso­vo PEN Center
