Gökçenur Çelebioğlu was born in Istan­bul in 1971 and spent his child­hood in a num­ber of Turk­ish cities. He grad­u­at­ed Istan­bul Tech­ni­cal Uni­verci­ty Elec­tri­cal Engi­neer­ing Fac­ul­ty and has a Mas­ter’s degree in Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion from Istan­bul University.

He start­ed pub­lish­ing his poems in Turk­ish mag­a­zines since 1990 and his first col­lec­tion Hand­book of Every Book came out in 2006 and sec­ond one Rest of the Words in 2010. Both books are pub­lished by Yitik Ülke (Lost Land) Pub­lish­ing House. His third book “The Only Way of Look­ing at Thir­teen Black­birds at Once” is pub­lished by I Lib­ri Del Mer­lo pub­lish­ing house in 2011, in Italy. His fourth book which con­tains his select­ed poems “U Sve­tu Smo Mı, U Sve­tu Su Rečı, Ovde Je Sve Tako Savršeno” (We are in the World So Are Words, How Nice Everyone’s Here) is pub­lished by Tre­ci Trg Pub­lish­ing House, in 2012 in Ser­bia . Same year his fifth book “With So Many Words On Your Back” is pub­lished by by Yitik Ülke (Lost Land) Pub­lish­ing House.

He has attend­ed sev­er­al poet­ry and trans­la­tion work­shops and fes­ti­vals in Riga, Vil­nius, Istan­bul, Athens, Tel-Aviv, Bel­grade, Lodeve, Sofia, Zagreb and Cun­da. His poems have been trans­lat­ed to Eng­lish, Ger­man, French, Greek, Bul­gar­i­an, Swedish, Por­tuguese, Japan­ese, Roman­ian, Lat­vian, Lithuan­ian, Mace­don­ian, Ser­bian, Croa­t­ian, Occ­i­tane and Hebrew and pub­lished in lit­er­ary magazines.

He has trans­lat­ed Wal­lace Stevens, Paul Auster and a mod­ern Japan­ese haiku anthol­o­gy into Turk­ish, and is cur­rent­ly prepar­ing an anthol­o­gy of mod­ern Amer­i­can poetry.

He is the prime mover and co-direc­tor of Word Express (www.word-express.org)

His pen name is Gökçenur Ç.
