I was born in Ser­bia in 1972 and have been liv­ing in Ger­many since 2002. I grad­u­at­ed at the Anglis­tics Depart­ment of Bel­grade Uni­ver­si­ty and also stud­ied Eng­lish Lit­er­a­ture at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Brunswick, Ger­many. I have been work­ing as an Eng­lish train­er at lan­guage insti­tutes in Brunswick and have been trans­lat­ing prose and poet­ry for var­i­ous lit­er­a­ture mag­a­zines in my home country.

So far I have pub­lished three books of poet­ry in Ser­bian, my moth­er tongue:



  • Povre­meni preki­di sa zujan­jem, Grad­s­ka bibil­iote­ka „Vladislav Petković Dis“, Čačak, 2000.
  • Sitne iznu­trice, Branko­vo kolo, Srem­s­ki Karlov­ci, 2002.
  • Dži­bra, Branko­vo kolo, Srem­s­ki Karlov­ci, 2006.
  • Otvoreni prelo­mi, cur­rent­ly in print


The book titles trans­late into Eng­lish as: Occa­sion­al Inter­rup­tions with Buzzing, Pet­ty Innards, Husks and Open Frac­tures, respec­tive­ly. The books won two nation­al prizes for poet­ry and two first prizes for poet­ry writ­ten in Eng­lish by a non-native speak­er at the annu­al uni­ver­si­ty com­pe­ti­tion in Brunswick, Germany.
