Marko Pogačar was born in 1984. in Split, Yugoslavia. Poet, essay­ist, prose writer, lit­er­ary crit­ic.  He is an edi­tor of Quo­rum, a lit­er­ary mag­a­zine, and Zarez, a bi-week­ly for cul­tur­al and social issues. He was the fel­low of, among oth­ers, Civitel­la Ranieri, Pas­sa Por­ta, Milo Dor and Bran­den­burg­er Tor fel­low­ships. His texts appeared in about twen­ty languages.


Pijav­ice nad San­ta Cru­zom, AGM, Zagreb, 2006, DPKM, 2009

Poslan­ice običn­im ljudi­ma, Algo­ri­tam, Zagreb, 2007
Pred­meti, Algo­ri­tam, Zagreb, 2009

An die ver­lore­nen Hälften, select­ed poems, Edi­tion Kor­re­spon­den­zen, Wien, 2010

 Portret s brit­va­ma, select­ed poems, Treći Trg, Beograd, 2010

Cada oli­va és un estel fos, select­ed poems, Insti­tu­ció de les Lletres Cata­lanes, Barcelona,  2010

Pred­meti, select­ed poems, Antolog, Skop­je, 2012


Bog neće pomoći, Algo­ri­tam, Zagreb, 2012 


Non Fic­tion
Atlas glaso­va, V.B.Z, Zagreb, 2011
Jer mi smo mno­gi, Algo­ri­tam, Zagreb, 2011

