Nurit Zarchi was born in Jerusalem in 1941 and grew up at Kib­butz Geva. Zarchi has pub­lished nov­els, short sto­ries, poet­ry, a col­lec­tion of essays and over 100 books for chil­dren. She has received every major Israeli award for chil­dren and youth lit­er­a­ture as well as for her poet­ry, includ­ing the Prime Min­is­ter’s Prize twice (1980; 1991), the Ze’ev Prize (five times), four IBBY Hon­or Cita­tions (1980; 1984; 1998; 2004), the Bia­lik Prize (1999), the Edu­ca­tion Min­is­ter’s Prize for Life­time Achieve­ment (2005) the Amichai Prize (2007), the Ramat Gan Prize (2010), the Lea Gold­berg Prize (2011), the Lan­dau Prize for Poet­ry (2013), the Devo­rah Omer Prize for Life­time Achieve­ment (2014) and the Arik Ein­stein Prize (2015 
