arrest any­one who exists.
resis­tance paint­ed black
Bry­ga­da blue star
on red/white rail­road on
mar­i­tal church/state vow

the recep­tion was hideous

mar­tial law ring­ing from
ice cream van parody
Jonathan Rich­man never
did it like this cold war
flake out boy under wheel

czekamy czekamy

Tomasz speaks in
Thames/Wisła estuary.
He’s tired already.
no future milk bot­tle basics.
McLaren’s Chelsea showroom.

strange is this world

Science/culture high-rise
con­crete lego palace
a record nee­dle that
scratch­es the sky
acoustic secu­ri­ty loopholes

my street is in the heart of the city

Punk in a War­saw apartment
plant pot guitars
bigos pan amps ring
16 men to a cell
roll ups 1.5 inches

famous, idol­ized paupers

Jarocin yearn­ing
secret police punk streams
sol­i­dar­i­ty into
Slav­ic consciousness
cur­tains are opened

black shades are raised
