The bell-rope that gath­ers God at dawn 
Dis­patch­es me as though I dropped down the knell 
Of a spent day — to wan­der the cathe­dral lawn 
From pit to cru­ci­fix, feet chill on steps from hell. 

Have you not heard, have you not seen that corps 
Of shad­ows in the tow­er, whose shoul­ders sway 
Antiphonal car­il­lons launched before 
The stars are caught and hived in the sun’s ray ? 

The bells, I say, the bells break down their tower; 
And swing I know not where. Their tongues engrave 
Mem­brane through mar­row, my long-scat­tered score 
Of bro­ken inter­vals… And I, their sex­ton slave ! 

Oval encycli­cals in canyons heaping 
The impasse high with choir. Banked voic­es slain ! 
Pago­das cam­paniles with reveilles out leaping– 
O ter­raced echoes pros­trate on the plain !… 

And so it was I entered the bro­ken world 
To trace the vision­ary com­pa­ny of love, its voice 
An instant in the wind (I know not whith­er hurled) 
But not for long to hold each des­per­ate choice. 

My world I poured. But was it cog­nate, scored 
Of that tri­bunal monarch of the air 
Whose thighs embronzes earth, strikes crys­tal Word 
In wounds pledges once to hope — cleft to despair ? 

The steep encroach­ments of my blood left me 
No answer (could blood hold such a lofty tower 
As flings the ques­tion true ?) ‑or is it she 
Whose sweet mor­tal­i­ty stirs latent power ?- 

And through whose pulse I hear, count­ing the strokes 
My veins recall and add, revived and sure 
The angelus of wars my chest evokes: 
What I hold healed, orig­i­nal now, and pure… 

And builds, with­in, a tow­er that is not stone 
(Not stone can jack­et heav­en) — but slip 
Of peb­bles, — vis­i­ble wings of silence sown 
In azure cir­cles, widen­ing as they dip 

The matrix of the heart, lift down the eyes 
That shrines the qui­et lake and swells a tower… 
The com­modi­ous, tall deco­rum of that sky 
Unseals her earth, and lifts love in its shower.
