The yard is filled with barnacles
Today.  How did they get there?
The sea, so shiny and green,
Is far away.  There is garbage

In the yard, too—how did it get
There ?  The garbage men came
Today and took all of the trash.
The yard is filled with slashed

Hearts—how did they get there
When all the hearts of the house
Are healed ?  That dev­il yard! It
Always makes me think of things

Oth­er than the flow­ers that bloom
There, the grass­es that look like
Palm trees.  Maybe the yard is
A sym­bol for some­thing opposite

Of itself.  Maybe it creeps around
The house at night and gathers
All our wounds and the trees take
Them into their arms, and then

Spread out like sum­mer, like a
Library of light­est, grayest lead.
