Stal­wart under set­ting sun she waits
in the ancient gateway
for the tired and hap­py holidaymakers.

Her hand­some head is tilt­ed with a smile,
eye­brows raised like the curve of arches
over the cool­ing threshold.

Her bright words car­ry us up the steps.
She is some­what short of breath
but rich in laugh­ter and knowledge.

Tiny black warts
on the upper slopes of her bosom
twin­kle as dark as her eyes.

We tramp over huge flagstones
each with a mem­o­ry to cover -
mem­o­ries with stings in their tails.

“Come to the sta­bles, the dining-hall.
See the pat­tern of pil­lars round the courtyard,
sig­ni­fy­ing dan­ger­ous, secret knowledge.

“The Knights Tem­plar – you know – once were here
before the monks with their chanting
before the lord moved in with his booty:

“his bed­room is here
and this stone bench his court­ing seat
for the lord and lady in their ear­ly days.

“Up that cold pas­sage­way in the shadows
is the lord’s retrete
for void­ing his bow­els and his memories.

“Here is the tun­nel to the dungeon
— see how art­ful­ly it is disguised?
So he could lis­ten to the screams

“of his ene­mies, as he liked to do
while tak­ing his rest
or count­ing his money…

“Why did he do that, you ask?”
She shrugs and as she moves
sweat slow­ly trick­les down her neck.

“It was a kind of … what do you call it …
sadis­mo — who was it said that…
about man being wolf to man?

“Look down here: you see the ter­ri­ble pit.
Pris­on­ers dragged to this slab
were knifed or blud­geoned or shot

“- ene­mies of the lords
of the Carlists, the repub­li­cans, the fascists -
who burnt the church – who killed the priest -

“feel the cold and see the dark
hear the echo of their screams:
fad­ing into the dust.

“All top­pled into the pit to die
I do not like
to go down there.

“Who can imag­ine such hatred
when cousin betrayed cousin
and broth­er killed brother?

“You can under­stand why
peo­ple still won’t talk.
It is too close still …

“Who was it said that man is kin to wolf?
I read it once but can­not recall.”
She swings the heavy door to with a smile.


Aragón, Spain
