Zack Rogow [] est l’auteur de sept recueils de poésie, dont le plus récent est My Moth­er and the Ceil­ing Dancers. [] Il a traduit du français vers l’anglais des auteurs aus­si divers qu’André Bre­ton, George Sand, Colette et Mar­cel Pag­nol. Il est aus­si pro­fesseur à l’Université d’Alaska à Anchor­age. [Uni­ver­sité d’Alas­ka à Anchor­age to:] Son blog [] s’ap­pelle Advice for Writers.


Zack Rogow [] is the author of sev­en books of poet­ry. The most recent is My Moth­er and the Ceil­ing Dancers. [] He has trans­lat­ed from French to Eng­lish authors as var­ied as André Bre­ton, George Sand, Colette, and Mar­cel Pag­nol. For­mer edi­tor of TWO LINES: World Writ­ing in Trans­la­tion, he teach­es in the MFA in writ­ing pro­gram at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alas­ka, Anchor­age. [Uni­ver­si­ty of Alas­ka, Anchor­age to:] His blog [] is called Advice for Writers.
