Željko Mitić (1976) is the author of one full-length book of poet­ry Neon Insom­nia (Mat­i­ca Srp­s­ka, Novi Sad, 2007). His work has appeared in Tema, Cron­i­ca, Lung­full, Eklek­so­graphia, Esque, 3 AM Mag­a­zine and oth­er jour­nals. His work was anthol­o­gized in Iz muze­ja šumo­va, an anthol­o­gy of con­tem­po­rary Ser­bian poet­ry 1988–2008 edit­ed by Nenad Miloše­vić (VBZ, Zagreb, 2010), and Ein­trittskarte, ein Panora­ma der zeit­genös­sis­chen ser­bis­chen Lyrik, edit­ed by Dragoslav Dedović (Dra­va Ver­lag, 2011).

With Ana Božiče­vić, he is the edi­tor of The Day Lady Gaga Died: an Anthol­o­gy of NYC Poet­ry of the 21st Cen­tu­ry (in Ser­bian).

He is the co-founder and edi­tor of the pub­lish­ing house Peti talas (The Fifth Wave). He lives in Niš, Serbia.
