Zvonko Kara­nović (1959) is a poet and fic­tion writer born in Niš, Ser­bia. Like the poets of the Beat gen­er­a­tion he takes as his mod­els, he has trav­eled wide­ly through­out Europe, hitch­hik­ing and often chang­ing jobs. He has worked as a jour­nal­ist, edi­tor, radio host, DJ, con­cert orga­niz­er, and for thir­teen years he was the own­er of a music store.

He was start­ing to write draw on Beat lit­er­a­ture roots, film, and pop cul­ture. Lat­er, he devel­oped his own style called „dark neoex­is­ten­tial­ism“. He is writer of dis­tinct­ly urban sen­si­bil­i­ties. For many years he was an under­ground cult fig­ure. He is the only Ser­bian poet with a fan club (“The Sil­ver Surfer”) – found­ed in 1991 and still operational.

His tril­o­gy The Diary of a Desert­ers is the first such project in 21st-cen­tu­ry Ser­bian lit­er­a­ture, and is com­prised of the nov­els More Than Zero (2004), Four Walls and the City (2006), and Three Snap­shots of Vic­to­ry (2009). Tak­ing place in the peri­od between April 1998 and Octo­ber 5, 2000, the tril­o­gy chron­i­cles the lives of three young urban men who, fight­ing for their beliefs, attempt to live freely in an unfree land. His tril­o­gy is ded­i­cat­ed to Serbia’s “lost gen­er­a­tion” – those who, in the 90’s, either left the coun­try, per­ished in the new Balkan wars, or suf­fered social mar­gin­al­iza­tion due to their cos­mopoli­tan world­view. All three nov­els received great attention.

Books of Poetry :

Blitzkrieg (1990)
Sil­ver Surfer (1991)
Mama Melan­choly (1996)
Extrav­a­gan­za (1997)
Dark High­way (2001)
Strip­ping (2004)
Demons in the Bor­del­lo (2012)

Neon Dogs – Select­ed Poems (2001)
Box Set – Col­lect­ed Poems (2009)

Dark High­way – Select­ed Poems (Croa­t­ia, 2008)
Drums and Strings, the High­way and the Night – Select­ed Poems (Ukraine, 2011)

His poems were trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish, Greek, Hun­gar­i­an, Bul­gar­i­an, Mace­don­ian, Sloven­ian, Slo­va­kian, Czech, Ukrain­ian, Ger­many and Polish.
