Ron Win­kler, born in 1973, lives in Berlin where he works as a free­lance writer.

He’s been award­ed the Leonce and Lena Prize in 2005 and the Mond­see Poet­ry Prize in 2006. In 2010 he served as a writer-in-res­i­dence in Argenti­na, 2011 in Italy.

His most recent poet­ry col­lec­tion is Fre­net­ic Silence, which came out in 2010. The same year he pub­lished a book with short novel­las, Torp. He edit­ed sev­er­al antholo­gies : col­lect­ing young Amer­i­can poets, new Ger­man voic­es, and poems about snow.

He trans­lat­ed full-length col­lec­tions of poet­ry by Bil­ly Collins, Matthew Zaprud­er, G.C. Wal­drep, Sarah Man­gu­so, Arielle Green­berg and a nov­el by For­rest Gander.
