Hélène Car­dona is a poet, actor, lit­er­ary trans­la­tor and dream ana­lyst. She attend­ed Hamil­ton Col­lege, New York, where she also taught French and Span­ish, and the Sor­bonne, where she wrote her the­sis on Hen­ry James for her Mas­ter’s in Eng­lish & Amer­i­can Literature.

She is the author of the bilin­gual poet­ry col­lec­tions Life in Sus­pen­sion / La Vie Sus­pendue (Salmon Poet­ry, 2016), Dream­ing My Ani­mal Selves / Le Songe de mes Âmes ani­males (Salmon Poet­ry, 2013), win­ner of the Pin­na­cle Book Award and the 2014 Read­ers’ Favorite Award in Poet­ry, final­ist for the Inter­na­tion­al Book Awards in Poet­ry and the Julie Suk Award; Ce que nous por­tons (Édi­tions du Cygne, 2014) her trans­la­tion of What We Car­ry by Dori­anne Laux; Beyond Else­where (White Pine Press, 2016) her trans­la­tion of Plus loin qu’ailleurs by Gabriel Arnou-Lau­jeac; and The Aston­ished Uni­verse (Red Hen Press, 2006).

She also trans­lat­ed Baude­laire, Rim­baud, Renard, Crickil­lon, René Depestre, Ernest Pépin, and her father José Manuel Car­dona into English.

She taught at Loy­ola Mary­mount Uni­ver­si­ty, received fel­low­ships from the Goethe-Insti­tut & Uni­ver­si­dad Inter­na­cional de Andalucía, and is a mul­ti­ple-time Push­cart Prize and Best of the Net nominee.

She co-edits Ful­crum: An Anthol­o­gy of Poet­ry and Aes­thet­ics, Dublin Poet­ry Review and Lev­ure Lit­téraire, and is a con­trib­u­tor to The Lon­don Mag­a­zine.

Pub­li­ca­tions include Wash­ing­ton Square, World Lit­er­a­ture Today, Poet­ry Inter­na­tion­al, The Irish Lit­er­ary Times, Plume, The Dublin Review of Books, Per­iódi­co de Poesía, The War­wick Review, The Toron­to Quar­ter­ly, Poet­ry Salzburg Review, The Enchant­i­ng Vers­es Lit­er­ary Review, The Los Ange­les Review, and more.

Antholo­gies include Dead and Undead Poems: Zom­bies, Ghosts, Vam­pires and Dev­ils (Ran­dom House, 2015); Read Women: An Anthol­o­gy (Locked Horn Press, 2014); Near Kin: Words and Art Inspired by Octavia E. But­ler (Sybarit­ic Press, 2014); Love’s Peripeteias (The New Vision­ary Press Coop­er­a­tive, 2014); For Rhi­no in a Shrink­ing World (Poets Print­ery, 2013),  From the Four Cham­bered Heart: In trib­ute to Anais Nin (Sybarit­ic Press, 2013); The Blue Max Review (Rebel Poet­ry, 2012); Dogs Singing: A Trib­ute Anthol­o­gy (Salmon Poet­ry, 2011); Illu­mi­na­tions: Expres­sions of the Spir­i­tu­al Expe­ri­ence (Celes­tial Arts, 2006).

Act­ing cred­its include Choco­lat, Dawn of the Plan­et of the Apes, Juras­sic World, The Hun­dred-Foot Jour­ney, X‑Men Days of Future Past, Mup­pets Most Want­ed, Hap­py Feet 2, The Mup­pets, and more. For Serendip­i­ty she co-wrote with direc­tor Peter Chel­som and com­pos­er Alan Sil­vestri the song Luci­enne, which she also sang.

Born in Paris and raised all over Europe, she has lived in Switzer­land, France, Eng­land, Wales, Mona­co, Ger­many, Spain and the Unit­ed States.




Hélène Car­dona est l’auteur des recueils bilingues de poésie Life in Sus­pen­sion /La Vie Sus­pendue (Salmon Poet­ry, 2016) Le Songe de mes Âmes Ani­males (Salmon Poet­ry, 2013), Pin­na­cle Book Award, 2014 Read­ers’ Favorite Award in Poet­ry, final­iste pour le Inter­na­tion­al Book Awards in Poet­ry et le Julie Suk Award ; et L’Univers Stupé­fait (Red Hen Press, 2006).

Ce que nous por­tons, sa tra­duc­tion de What We Car­ry de Dori­anne Laux, vient de paraître aux Édi­tions du Cygne, et Beyond Else­where, sa tra­duc­tion de Plus loin qu’ailleurs de Gabriel Arnou-Lau­jeac, paraî­tra chez Whine Pine Press en 2016.

Diplômée d’une Maîtrise de lit­téra­ture améri­caine de la Sor­bonne, elle a enseigné à Hamil­ton Col­lege, New York, et à Loy­ola Mary­mount Uni­ver­si­ty, Los Ange­les. Elle a reçu des bours­es du Goethe-Insti­tut & de la Uni­ver­si­dad Inter­na­cional de Andalucía, et a été nom­inée plusieurs fois pour le Push­cart Prize et le Best of the Net.

Elle est co-rédac­trice de Ful­crum: An Anthol­o­gy of Poet­ry and Aes­thet­ics, Dublin Poet­ry Review et Lev­ure Lit­téraire, et col­la­bore au The Lon­don Mag­a­zine.

Elle a traduit la poésie de Jean-Claude Renard, Baude­laire, Rim­baud, Crickil­lon, René Depestre, Ernest Pépin, et de son père José Manuel Car­dona en anglais.

Elle est aus­si actrice (Choco­lat, Dawn of the Plan­et of the Apes, Juras­sic World, The Hun­dred-Foot Jour­ney, X‑Men Days of Future Past, Mup­pets Most Want­ed, Hap­py Feet 2, The Mup­pets, etc). Pour Serendip­i­ty elle a co-écrit (avec le met­teur en scène Peter Chel­som et le com­pos­i­teur Alan Sil­vestri) la chan­son Luci­enne, qu’elle chante aussi.

Née à Paris, elle a gran­di à tra­vers toute l’Europe et a vécu en Suisse, France, Angleterre, au Pays de Galles, Mona­co, Alle­magne, Espagne, et les États-Unis.





