My dear friends, esteemed poets and authors, all those involved in “The Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Peace Poet­ry”, who are eager to pur­sue their pur­pose after this long inter­val, you are wel­comed to join us by send­ing your poems and articles.

Some of the sub­jects that can be dis­cussed in these articles:

* The role of peace and democ­ra­cy in econ­o­my espe­cial­ly in com­par­i­son to coun­tries, whose econ­o­my relies upon the pro­duc­tion of war weaponry.

* The influ­ence of lit­er­a­ture and art in the exten­sion of anti-vio­lence culture.

* The influ­ence of civ­il lib­er­ties in the improve­ment of wom­en’s state.

* Rea­sons for the emer­gence of vio­lence in closed soci­eties and their influ­ence on urban and rur­al cultures.

*  Reg­u­la­tions or cul­tur­al and behav­ioral irreg­u­lar­i­ties, men’s vio­lence towards women and vice ver­sa with con­sid­er­a­tion of fem­i­nis­tic theories.

* Con­cealed sex­u­al abuse in mar­i­tal relationships.

* One-sided love and vio­lence as its result.

*  Cir­cum­stances and approach­es for teach­ing peace to chil­dren and teenagers espe­cial­ly in coun­tries liv­ing under dictatorships.

*  Recog­ni­tion of civ­il and unciv­il behav­ior towards sex­u­al minori­ties (such as homo­sex­u­als, her­maph­ro­dites, and etc.) and approach­es for devel­op­ing a peace­ful and human­is­tic behav­ior towards them.

* The ana­lyt­i­cal study of the behav­ior of men today towards nature and environment.

* The role of media and its influ­ence in increas­ing or threat­en­ing pur­pose­ful behav­ioral vio­lence (con­cealed or exposed).

* Debil­i­tat­ing or empow­er­ing peace or any sub­ject, which effects the com­mand­ment or debil­i­ta­tion of peace and civ­il liberties.

We ask you to invite your friends from any eth­nic­i­ty, nation­al­i­ty, and lan­guage to join us.

Send your poems and arti­cles regard­ing peace in order to be pub­lished in this site, along with your pho­to and biog­ra­phy (two lines) to the fol­low­ing address.

It should be men­tioned that in the near future the offi­cial call and con­di­tions for the third round of “The Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val Peace Poet­ry” will be announced to the sup­port­ers of peace around the world through the press and the web­site. Dead­line: May 10, 2013

It should also be men­tioned that this is a tri­al dis­play of this web­site, which will be launched on May 16, 2013 after col­lect­ing your poems and arti­cles, and updat­ed every two months in both Per­sian and English.

“The Inter­na­tion­al Fes­ti­val of Peace Poet­ry” Secretariat

March 21, 2013
