They say that the year turns -
but in what direction?

I should say colour mostly :
green into browns and yellows -
the occa­sion­al reds.

It’s turn­ing away from the sun
as you and I once turned
from our for­mer brightness

into a dark­en­ing autumn.
Plum and sloe and damson :
the pur­ples of mourning

hung amongst the hips ;
the haws, the bloodlust
of the year’s fecundity.

Love dies but the seed continues -
but in what direction ?

I see the veins in the leaves
and the veins in our hands -
sim­i­le, metaphor,

what is there to know -
to under­stand as the butterfly
sips at windfalls

and anoth­er leaf thins
to a frail detritus ?
My love for you grows stronger:

even in win­ter stasis
is not pos­si­ble — the crocus
and the cold­ness counteract.
