Every one of us, I believe, has a lot of gifts. It is an art to rec­og­nize them. At least the most impor­tant of them. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, nowa­days peo­ple are pret­ty much brain­washed, pre­oc­cu­pied with chas­ing mon­ey, posi­tions… The fact is that we live in an age of dom­i­nant false val­ues. The val­ue sys­tem is upside-down. But even so, that can­not be an excuse for an indi­vid­ual not to search for her or his own val­ues. We sim­ply must do that. It is our oblig­a­tion to be in the per­ma­nent search for our gifts. To know.

On the oth­er hand, it is not and should not be our oblig­a­tion to accept our gifts. That stands for artis­tic tal­ent too. The fact that one was born as a poet doesn’t mean that one has nec­es­sar­i­ly to be a poet. To grow her or his own self as to be devot­ed to the art. In my opin­ion, that should stay the mat­ter of per­son­al deci­sion. Of course, to be a poet with­out a tal­ent is a crime. Maybe I’ve used a harsh word, but that’s the way I see it. And I regret to say that I can see too many writ­ers who do not have any gift, yet they have some oth­er ‘skills’ which help them to become ‘the great nation­al writ­ers.’ And that is some­thing I will nev­er under­stand, as long as I live. The log­ic of it, the sense… If one has a tal­ent, or skills, to pros­per into soci­ety, what is the rea­son that makes that per­son not to become a rich banker, let’s say, or to get rich in show busi­ness, but she or he insists to be an artist ???

Speak­ing of gift­ed peo­ple, it has to be ones own deci­sion weath­er he or she is going to devote her or him­self to the art or not. Art requires devo­tion. It is not so sig­nif­i­cant if some­one sparkles once, twice, like a shoot­ing star. The point is to endure, to make use of all good moments and to over­come the trou­ble times. The goal is to nev­er stop try­ing to reach the goal, the same way as Cavafy’s Odysseus see the mean­ing in the very search for Itha­ca.   Some­how, it usu­al­ly hap­pens that we expe­ri­ence more of the trou­ble peri­ods, just like sailors, but again, that can­not be an excuse for some­one who has decid­ed to devote her or him­self to the art. The art is also to go on.

This epoch, at least the way I see it, is not for­tu­nate for art. We live in the age of cor­po­ra­tions and their mon­ey empires, the dic­ta­tor­ship of enter­tain­ment, cheap spec­ta­cles for mass­es… far away from some rein­car­na­tion of renais­sance that would val­ue, respect and, final­ly, invest into arts as much as arts deserve. Per­son­al­ly, I call it a dum­my peri­od and I hope it won’t last too long. But still – there are great artists (I’m inclined to call poets all of them) in all pos­si­ble fields of art. The truth is that we have pre­cious con­tem­po­raries as well as we can always com­mu­ni­cate with great artists from the past, with their work that will always belong to – the present.

My friend, if you are gift­ed, it is only up to you whether you are going to devote your­self to that gift, the gifts you are giv­en, born with. Don’t do it if you don’t feel enough pas­sion for it! If you feel weak, please don’t even try to cope with art world. It is often a very cru­el world, since it depends on soci­ety. And soci­ety can be rather merciless. 

But if you decid­ed that you were going to endure in your micro­cosms and enrich this world with your work, don’t you ever give up, please. As the Amer­i­cans say ‘it pays off.’ As I would say – you will enjoy a real life. Every moment of your exis­tence will turn into a verse. Not nec­es­sar­i­ly writ­ten. The mate­r­i­al world is just one dimen­sion of the world. Feel the rain drop, catch the sound of waves, accept the smile of a pass­er-by, look to your old par­ents and real­ize how hap­py you are they are still alive… feel the nucle­us of every moment. That is ful­fill­ment. It is much more than hap­pi­ness. That is art.

